hello hello my name is calvin

i feel like i've officially updated this site enough to qualify as a moderately okay coder , feel free to follow along as this gets updated every now and then ^__^ also check out my alt website , STlLLBUMMED if u want to !!!

he / it osdd sys + 7teen

homestuck, mlp, pokemon, animal crossing, xenogenders, old web whatnot, digital pets, roblox, katamari, plushies + toys, lucky star, bugsnax, calico critters, sinjin drowning, animals, ikigusare idols, everymanhybrid, resident evil, etc !!!
kmfdm, cats millionaire, harley poe, casiotone for the painfully alone, alex g, the antlers, boygenius + phoebe bridgers, misfits, animal collective, mcr, ptv, adrianne lenker, nouns, lowertown, old gray, cannibal corpse, she wants revenge, saoirse dream, rammstein, etc etc
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